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Life's Little Talks Recap

17 August 2023 / per Cerdá Group

It's almost a year since the launch of our first podcast Life's Little Talks and Cerdá wanted to make a small review of the chapters that you can't miss. During this journey we have dealt with a wide variety of topics such as artificial intelligence, the future of retail or if size matters (in terms of logistics, of course 😉). There have also been thematic programmes such as the lottery or New Year's resolutions.

They are all available on our YouTube channel but as we don't want you to miss anything, we have made a selection of 5 episodes that you are going to love.  If you don't speak Spanish, don't worry because all our programmes are subtitled in English, Italian and French. Do you want to press play?

  1. Emotional wage
  2. Pets
  3. Retail Lab
  4. 2023 Releases 
  5. Summer Special

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1. Emmotional wage

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of emotional pay in the workplace. And so, in our first podcast we wanted to address this topic. 

We started off strong with Juan Luis Ramos (Customer Success & Experience Manager and presenter of the programme), Ismael Hernández (P&T Manager) and Carlota Sanz (Pets Sales Technician). They talked to us about their vision of the emotional salary, the social benefits of Cerdá Group and the quality of life it can offer beyond the salary.

2. Pets, much more than animals

In the second chapter we talk about Pets, as the furry friends of the house are playing an increasingly important role in our lives.

Juan Luis Ramos (Customer Success & Experience Manager and presenter of the programme), Guillermo Sanz (Outbound Sales Technician), Leyre Conejero Olcina and Lápiz (Our new canine friend) talk to us about the relationship that develops between owner and pet and the importance that these animals acquire in our lives. They do it through the case of Leyre and Lápiz, a love at first sight.

3. Retail Lab: Performance evaluation

In our top 3 is podcast number 5, performance appraisal. In this case our guest Sandra Ruiz (Store & Talent Manager at SuperMoments) talks about performance appraisals and their great importance in the development of the company. On the other hand, she also explains, from her vision in the Retail Lab and her experience in shops, the importance of the atmosphere of employees in their dealings with the customer and how it influences customer satisfaction and feedback.

4. 2023 Releases 

In this case Bárbara Rodríguez (Marketing Manager) and our presenter Juan Luis Ramos offer us a chat between two friends who love cinema and audiovisuals about the premieres that have taken place and will take place in 2023. They review different films and series such as "Black Panther: Wakanda For Ever" or "Mandalorian". They even comment on the premieres of video games such as "Hogwarts Legacy" set in the Harry Potter universe. It is, without a doubt, one of the closest podcasts and, if you want to find out what's new from Disney, Warner or the world of cinema in general, you can't miss it.

5. Summer Special 

With the arrival of summer and the return of the Grand Prix, we have decided to create our own version. We close this review with our latest release. This time in a completely different format, a competition related to the world of cinema that pits different members of the Cerdá staff against each other divided into two teams. All this directed, of course, by our presenter Juanlu. This episode has anger, laughter and rivalry between two teams eager to demonstrate their knowledge of cinema. There are also several fails and a very epic ending. If you haven't seen it, we recommend you to do it right now and try to answer the questions yourself.

If you've been wanting to enjoy more Life's Little Talks, you can watch all our programmes on our Youtube channel, the chats with our colleague and presenter Juan Luis Ramos are waiting for you!

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