Point of Sale Tips and Advice

Generation Z: keys to attracting them to your business

6 September 2022 / per Cerdá Group

Customers are the reason for being of any company and, without them, no business is worthwhile, sustainable or prosperous. That is why you should try to focus all your efforts on studying and analysing your market and the competition in your sector.

Knowing what the market is like and the different targets that a company can focus on is a priority. Because this is how to focus efforts, economic and human resources and strategies to achieve the best results.

The millennial generation has been, in recent times, the most desired group by companies in almost any sector. People born between 1981 and 1997 who were already around an age when their purchasing power was reasonable, their tastes were established and they had a predilection for buying quality products. And, although it has been a great success and they should not be left aside, a new generation has appeared that is yet to be discovered; Generation Z.

From Cerdá, as wholesalers of clothing and accessories, we analyse what each of the generations is looking for and how they buy and we are going to explain below everything you need to know about Generation Z. This way, you will be able to see all the benefits they can bring to your business and change your strategies to increase your profits.

Let's get to it!

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Who is Generation Z?

To attract customers to your business you need to know, as we mentioned before, the different consumer targets.

Generation Z are, generally speaking, all those people born between 1995 and 2009. At first glance they seem to have very similar characteristics to Millennials but, in reality, their traits are very defined and quite different from them.

Generation Z is now in the process of changing their lives, starting a new adventure and growing emotionally and mentally.

Those born in the first years of Generation Z are about to finish their university studies and the youngest of the generation are thinking about where they want to direct their future when they finish school.

What are the characteristics of Generation Z?

Generation Z are the digital kids. They were born in the midst of the digital explosion and technology is part of their DNA.

Today, this generation makes up almost 20.7% of the population. This is an audience to be taken into account and companies are starting to focus their efforts on digital marketing strategies focused on them.

Generation Z is, of course, very receptive to multimedia content and, in addition, as they have access to the internet and know how to use it, they are very well informed, so they are very clear about what interests them and what does not. They look, they search, they compare and that's when they decide to buy.


Another very important characteristic of this generation is that they get carried away and give a lot of importance to the opinions of other users and, of course, that the brand they are buying their products from is completely in tune with their values in life.

They are very demanding consumers and are not swayed by direct advertising. They are looking for continuous life experiences in everything they do and, of course, in their purchases, too.

Generation Z lives in a digital environment in which they are comfortable and dominant. That's why it's essential that your business has pristine digital strategies to help you attract customers who will be loyal to you now and in the future.

How to attract Generation Z to your business?

Attracting customers to your shop has to be one of your main goals to achieve, and that is why Cerdá is going to explain some strategies that you can carry out so that you know how to attract customers to your Generation Z business.

Go ahead, take note and increase your profits!

Be inclusive

Generation Z is not impressed by traditional advertising. As we have said, they are quite distrustful, so you have to offer them what they are looking for in a direct and inclusive way.

They are looking for reality and authenticity in everything. So the stereotypes of thin models, white race, perfect teeth and spectacular physiques are over.

With Generation Z you have to go for naturalness and the inclusion of all the people that make up a society. 

And, of course, you have to change everything you have learned in terms of advertising. People have flaws and those flaws are what make us unique. So don't hide them or try to touch them up.

Another important point in inclusion is sexual orientation. Families have evolved and there is no longer just a woman and a man, there are many different types of families and all of them have a place.

Do you know our Pride catalogue, it's a bestseller!


Another essential point to attract Generation Z customers is to be fully connected and digitised. It's important to remember that these kids didn't come into the world with a loaf of bread under their arm, but with an embedded chip.

So being connected and using digital social media to stay in full communication with them is essential.


Influencers are the best introduction

The new celebrities are the influencers and Generation Z follows them, knows them and trusts them and their opinions. That's why it's important to find influencers who want to represent your brand and thus reach consumers in a more direct, clear and transparent way.

Influencers are real people and authenticity is what they are looking for.

Committed to environmental care

As we have already mentioned, this generation is very committed to social causes. They stand out for their awareness of environmental care and humanitarian aid.

Therefore, you need to clearly define the values of your business and communicate them to your consumers with total transparency. 

These are just some of the strategies you can start implementing in your business to attract Generation Z customers.

Remember that honesty and transparency are key to get their attention, and that the digital world and technology are their way of life.

So now you know! Get ready to reach a very wide audience and increase your profits. At Cerdá, with the original licensed products we offer you, you will be able to give them everything they are looking for.

Set yourself up for success!

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Point of Sale Tips and Advice


Zaini e borse per adulti. Non possono mancare nel tuo negozio!


Generazione Z: le chiavi per attirarli nella vostra azienda


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