Retail Lab Point of Sale Tips and Advice

Back To School Implementation

21 July 2022 / per Cerdá Group

Back to school is just around the corner and I'm sure you're already thinking about making space in your shop to put the Back To School collection products. But putting Back To School products on the shelves is no easy task. 


Maximise your shop space

Backpacks, toiletry bags, folders, pencil cases, bottles... These are all items that you can find in the same Back To School collection. Learning how to combine each of the items, colours and sizes is key when preparing your shop for back to school.

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From Cerdá's Retail Lab we have prepared this implementation to serve as a guide when adapting the Back To School products to the space available in your point of sale. It doesn't matter how much space you have. With this guide you will make the most of the space in your shop.

In addition to the tips you find in the guide, it is essential when implementing Back To School products in your shop that you keep these three tips in mind to make your products look good, stand out and generate that desire to buy.

When it comes to placing your back-to-school products, remember:

  1. Leaving free spaces allows the products to breathe and be perceived as tidy.
  2. More is not better. Look for visual balance on the shelf.
  3. Specialised signage that highlights the section and informs the consumer is essential. Don't have any signage? You can download this one we have prepared for you. All you have to do is print it out.

  4. BTS_EN

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By putting these simple tips into practice, you will be able to have an attractive, tidy and prepared shop for the back to school campaign. Did you like the Back To School implementation? Take a look at all these implementations that Retail Lab has prepared for you.

You may be interested in:More Retail Lab Implementations

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Distribution techniques

Distribution is the key when it comes to presenting your customers with the latest back-to-school products in the designs of their favourite characters: Peppa Pig, Minnie, Marvel, SpiderMan, Harry Potter...

  • Achieve visual balance by combining different items from the same collection. For example, on the same shelf you can display a backpack next to a pencil case and an umbrella.
  • Place items in a relational way, this will help you generate cross-selling. 
  • Create perspective by taking size into account. It is important to leave empty spaces so that the eye can easily locate the different items.
  • Distribute the products and play with the shapes you can create by placing the products on the shelf. Geometric shapes are the most attractive. You can build triangles, stairs, diagonals...

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When you know what you sell, you know how to advise your customer.

At Cerdá we create each collection in a unique way. This back to school 2022 is marked by the desire we all have for the new normality to stop being new and for September to return to the excitement of playing again, hugging again, sharing again...

Discover with our colleague Sandra Ruiz, Store and Talent Manager of SuperMoments the new collection in this video and get to know all the details of the different lines, characters, ages and accessories.



The more you know about the products in the collection, the better you can advise customers by offering them the products they need. 

  • Backpacks designed for the little ones with the classics Minnie and Mickey, Paw Patrol and Spiderman.
  • Fantasy line and explorer line as a novelty to be enjoyed by girls and boys from 3 to 6 years old.
  • In order to respond to all school stages, we have designed several collections with a wide variety of complementary items such as folders, pencil cases, umbrellas, bottles...
  • Sports collection for young and adult audiences.

Want to know more about each product, materials, designs, lines and characters? This post is for you. You will find explanatory videos in which the product designers themselves tell you everything you need to know.

Have you read this?: All you need to know about Back To School


We have also prepared for you a document with all the keys you need to know to advise your customers. Which type of backpack has a harness, which licences are best for different ages, everything about technical and sports backpacks.

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And as a cherry on top of this short training we have also prepared this questionnaire for you and your team to take so that you can check how expert you are when it comes to Back To School.

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Discover SuperMoments Retail Lab

With SuperMoments Retail Lab you have at your disposal the communication materials and promotions for your customers to identify the products, discover the offers and recognise the qualities and characteristics of the star products for this summer.

And also remember that if you are a Cerdá customer, you have at your disposal all the graphics, references of the products we use in our implementations and other resources and tools for you to optimise your point of sale by accessing your customer area.

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Retail Lab Point of Sale Tips and Advice


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