Retail Lab Products and Novelties Tips and Advice Winter Newsletteren

Winter 22 implantations

20 October 2022 / per Cerdá Group

Get your shop ready for winter

Winter items are usually the ones that cause the most headaches for retailers like you, because they are bigger, thicker and take up more shelf space. Learning how to implement them is key to being able to display them efficiently at your point of sale.

Want to take a look at the new autumn winter collection? You're just a click away from seeing the latest in pyjamas, sweatshirts, hats and scarves - all without leaving your chair!

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All this is what you will discover in this post on implementations:

Make the most of your shop space

Winter garments are much softer, warmer and also take up more space than summer items. That's why it's so important to know how to position items on the shelves so that customers can see their favourite products without a problem.

To make the most of the space in your shop with the Back To Essentials winter collection put these three tips into practice:

  • Display the best-selling items such as pyjamas, dressing gowns and sportswear.
  • Combine different products of the same character in the same space so that your end customer can see the whole range at once. At a glance, they can see all the options you offer in a clear and structured way.
  • Present the garments in an orderly fashion, taking care of the spaces between one product and another. For example, avoid placing a sweatshirt next to another sweatshirt and instead place a completely different item, such as a sports sweatshirt. In this way the consumer will be able to clearly differentiate the two items.

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Fold or hang? 

Not all winter items generate the same interest in your customers. It is important to know which products are more popular and put them on display before other items. For example in SuperMoments during the previous autumn winter campaign we observed that 60% of sales were generated by 4 products. Being able to identify this helps you to prioritise which garments you should place in those places where you know they will have more visibility.  

 In this post we tell you more about: Distribution techniques.


Sportswear and pyjamas are items that take up a lot of space as they are usually a set of sweatshirts or long-sleeved T-shirts and trousers. One way to make the most of the space is to hang both garments on a hanger. This way, by not folding them, you gain space and exposure as all the design is visible and your customer can appreciate all the features without disassembling the folded garment.

When you fold the garments in many occasions details such as sleeves or cuffs are hidden and the customer has to unfold the garment to see it and this generates double work. On the one hand the person who has to unfold the article and on the other hand you or your staff who has to fold it again to make it tidy again.

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In order, last year in our SuperMoments shops the four items that generated the most sales were:

  1. Pyjamas and dressing gowns. Nightwear is the favourite garment of the winter. And who's surprised? It's one of the things we most look forward to doing during the cold months. Arriving home after a hard day at work, getting undressed and being wrapped up in the soft and warm texture of pyjamas. And if it's your favourite character, so much the better!
  2. Sneakers are the second item that generates the most sales and it is normal. After enjoying sandals during the summer, we want to feel again the warm sensation of the foot sheltered in closed shoes. And even more so if the soles have lights on them! Remember that 96% of customers who bought girls' and boys' trainers with lights last year were very happy with their purchase.
  3. Sweatshirts and tracksuits are on the podium as the third best-selling garment in the winter collection for winter 2021. It is a very fashionable item that appeals to young people, adults and children alike. 
  4. And last but not least, slippers. Because winter shoes are fine, but slippers are much better! Soft, warm, with a foam sole that adapts to the foot and in a wide range of models: open slippers, closed slippers, half-boots, French slippers, boot slippers, and even in 3D!

Have you read it? Adult sweatshirts: a growing trend  

Characters that appeal to all audiences

Minnie, Spiderman, Harry Potter, Mickey and Frozen are the Top 5 characters that you can't miss in your shop if you want to win over your customers. These characters are the ones that generated the most sales last year in our shops. And we are not surprised. The classics Minnie and Mickey are loved by both adults and children.

Harry Potter has been winning the hearts of generations since the magical world of Hogwarts was brought to life in 1997 with the first Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone novel. Since then, with each film in the series, the popularity of the character and his friends has continued to grow. Nowadays his popularity not only grows with each release of "Fantastic Beasts", but the arrival of the video game next February 2023 promises to be a great success.

Spiderman is one of those characters that has managed to reach all audiences. From adults, of course, through the comics and the first films of the superhero, to the youngest and most infantile public. Children enjoy the adventures of their friend and neighbour Spiderman more and more, practising their psychomotor skills while throwing imaginary webs as they emulate their favourite character.   

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And as for the ice queen who invited boys and girls of a whole generation to let go of what would not allow them to be who they are, nothing to say. She is still the undisputed queen who, together with Anna, Olaf and Sven, keeps the magic alive in Rivendell. With two films and several animated shorts, Frozen continues to reign in the hearts of children. And make no mistake, it's not just a licence for girls, boys love Frozen! 

Signage, your greatest ally

The graphic material in your shop is like a silent assistant that informs your customers about the product features, the price, helps them perceive how they feel about it through the photos of the models and can even generate an emotion in them. 

And it is proven that emotions sell, more than rational thoughts. That's why we have prepared this pyjama poster for you to download, print and place in your point of sale so that you can count on this discreet but powerful ally. 

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Discover SuperMoments Retail Lab

With SuperMoments Retail Lab you have at your disposal free of charge communication materials and promotions for your customers to identify products, discover offers and recognise the qualities and characteristics of the star products for this summer.

Y además recuerda que si eres cliente de Cerdá, compartimos contigo todas las gráficas, referencias de los productos que utilizamos en nuestras implantaciones y otros recursos y herramientas para que optimices tu punto de venta y maximices tus ventas. Entra a tu área de cliente y descubre  todos los recursos.

And also remember that if you are a Cerdá customer, we share with you all the graphics, references of the products we use in our implementations and other resources and tools for you to optimise your point of sale and maximise your sales. Enter your customer area and discover all the resources.

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Retail Lab Products and Novelties Tips and Advice Winter Newsletteren


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