Retail Lab Tips and Advice

5 tips for implementing the back to school products at your store

4 August 2022 / per Cerdá Group

Desde el Retail Lab de CerdáWe we have found that sales of back-to-school products occur during the months leading up to September. Especially in the month of August. So now is the time to get ready to implement the new products at your point of sale in the most efficient way to capture the attention of your customers. 

30% of Back To School sales take place in August.

Back to school is one of the campaigns that generates the most sales in August. Although back to school is in September, the second month in terms of sales, experience shows that it is during the summer months when families prepare for the new school year.  As you can see in the graph, it is during the months of July, August and September that sales of these articles are most concentrated.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-08-04 a las 8.10.51Captura de Pantalla 2022-08-03 a las 10.03.09Backpacks, toiletry bags, folders, pencil cases, bottles... All of them are essential products for back to school. That's why at Cerdá we have developed different collections in which we include all the products of your customers' favourite characters so that you can encourage cross-selling.

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1. Choose the ideal product for your point of sale    

With over 800 references of back to school products to choose from you might be wondering which items will work best in my point of sale? The first thing you need to consider is who your target audience is. Who your customers are. Who buys the most from you and see if they match your target audience.

Imagine that your regular customers are children aged 6 to 8 and that you also want to attract the youngest members of the family. That way when they go to buy school supplies they can also buy items designed for children from 1 to 3 years old.  

At Cerdá we design each product thinking about the tastes and needs of each of the targets you can address. We share with you the different audiences that the items in the Back To school 2022 collection are aimed at to help you visualise which audience to focus on this back to school season in order to generate more sales.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-08-03 a las 10.42.12

2. The characters that generate the most sales

Once you know who your target audience is, it is time to choose which designs to select to ensure sales. At Cerdá we develop unique, differentiated and original designs so that no matter which one you choose, you can be sure that you are offering quality and fun products to your customers.

you may be interested in: Top 6 best selling characters

Here we share with you this graph in which half of the Back To School product sales are generated by these four characters:

  • Minnie: This Disney classic continues to conquer the hearts of young and old alike. That is why at Cerdá we have developed different designs of this character. From nursery backpacks to school backpacks to stationery for adults, you have plenty to choose from!
  • Spiderman: He generates 12% of sales. The arachnid superhero appeals to both male and female audiences. So you'll find various designs in products such as nursery bags, fanny packs and pencil cases.  
  • Harry Potter: The magical world of Harry Potter has cast its spell on everything from backpacks to umbrellas to stationery!  
  • Avengers: Captain America, Black Panther, Hulk, Thor, iron man... we've brought them all together to design products that will appeal to adults, teens and kids. 

Captura de Pantalla 2022-08-04 a las 8.11.01

3. Find the wow effect 

Distribution is the key when it comes to presenting your customers with the latest back-to-school products in the designs of their favourite characters: Peppa Pig, Minnie, Marvel, SpiderMan, Harry Potter....

  • Amaze your customers with one implementation per collection. The fact of presenting all the articles of the same collection together, generates a surprising effect at your point of sale.
  • Differentiating elements help you close the customer's shopping experience successfully. In our shops, that element is the gift box.
  • Order and space. It is important to place the items in an ordered, leaving empty spaces so that the eye can easily locate the different items.
  • Promote cross-selling by combining different items from the same collection together.


    Techniques for a spectacular implementation
    at your point of sale


    Example of implementation Spiderman School Collection


    School Backpack
    Spiderman 44cm

4. Irresistible packs

Group different items in the same place in your shop to cover a need of your customer. For example, for the back to school season, the three essentials are:

  • Backpack: choose from various sizes.
  • Folder: with or without rings, depending on your customer's needs.
  • Case: round, square or compartmentalised.

Folder and Case 
Marvel Collection


Example of an implementation designed to impact a more adult audience


At the top, visual reinforcement of the differentiated element and the target audience.

The way these packs are placed to promote the purchase is essential. In this case, two identical items have been placed on the sides and in the centre a product that we want to highlight. This type of display is known as a sandwich or symmetrical display and is very visual. This is just one example of a display, but we have prepared many more. Would you like to see them? There are as many examples as collections. Discover them!

Have you read this?: More Retail Lab's implementation


5. Promote Cross-selling

To increase the average ticket, combine different items from the same collection.  This action will help you to increase your sales. You will also be creating a good shopping experience by making it easier for your customer to buy. 


Mochila Frozen
Tamaño 44 cm


Example of cross-selling
with Frozen items


Visual staircase display
of products of different sizes


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Discover SuperMoments Retail Lab

Do you want us to help you with the implementation? With SuperMoments Retail Lab you have at your disposal the communication and promotional materials so that your customers can identify the products, discover the offers and recognise the qualities and characteristics of the star products for this summer.

And also remember that if you are a Cerdá customer, you have at your disposal all the graphics, references of the products we use in our implantations and other resources and tools so that you can optimize your point of sale by accessing your
customer area.

Contact our SuperMoments Retail Lab team and we will help you with your next implementation.

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Retail Lab Tips and Advice




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